CO-Hanydman Connection Franchise for Sale
For 30 years, Handyman Connection has made it a priority to equip our franchisees with the skills, knowledge and tools to grow their business. We revised our business model and brand platform to enhance our positioning in today’s market-place. We have reviewed our ecosystem and have strategically moved towards a heavy investment of resources into technology, training and support systems, while re-engineering our business model to better position franchisees for growth and success in their start-up. We are targeting assertive leaders (not craftsman) to build a long-term asset in the home-improvement space. The demand for home improvement, repair and remodeling projects remain strong - as things continue to break inside people's homes and need consistent updating, creating increased need for qualified, trusted companies and professionals to provide these services. Homeowners want reliable and quality service, which is a cornerstone of the Handyman Connection operating philosophy. We offer a fairly recession resistent business that offers franchisees the ability to quickly scale a business without adding significant overhead.
Price: $65,000
Location: El Paso County, Colorado
Inventory Included: No
Reason For Sale: -
Training & Support: Provide Complete Road Map to open business: Yes Owners really never stop training. The home office is there every step of the way in the first year with a dedicated training specialist. After the first year there is on-ging owner training, support groups and more. Here are details: Training and support program details: 5 week initial Bootcamp including webinars & conference calls followed by 6 day, in-classroom training; followed by field support in franchisees specific market & ongoing Weekly Goal Setting & Review Calls to teach wave of business and make key decisions. Monthly Financial Calls to understand margins and all costs involved.
Site Selection Assistance: No (not necessary)
Co-operative Advertising: In specific major markets
Peer Review to provide specific feedback from experience franchisees Forum Call. Monthly calls of multiple franchisees less than two years to provide feedback/gain insight.
Average number of employees required: 1-2 with subs
Owner Qualifications: You are the business liason between the craftsmen and the customer. Franchisees are responsible for all aspects of the business, including recruiting and managing craftsmen, building and executing a marketing plan, overseeing financial plans, developing and managing customer service representatives, while delivering excellent customer service.