CO-Louisville Instant Imprint Franchise for Sale
Instant Imprints is a full service business to business visual communications and light manufacturing business featuring multiple revenue streams. It is scalable with a low overhead structure.
Price: $185,000
Location: Boulder County, Colorado
Inventory Included: No
Reason For Sale: -
Training & Support: 4 WEEKS TOTAL
1 week of in center work experience prior to classroom training (pre-training)
2 weeks of Classroom and in In center work experience (1/2 day in class + 1/2 day in center)
1 week of in center work experience (post-training)
after training there is a 15 week coaching program that is FREE and OPTIONAL called FAST-START
Owner Qualifications: IDEAL CANDIDATE
Our ideal franchisee needs to be comfortable with the client relationship and being outside the 4 walls of the center. They need to be able to think on their feet, and work with a client to devise a solution even when they may not have all the answers. So they need to be comfortable being able to figure things out. A strong franchisee is comfortable networking and connecting with clients to create a local client referral ecosystem. An ideal franchisee must be coachable and willing to accept the fact they do not need to know everything, and be open to learning. Top performing franchisees are strategic and comfortable in a fast moving dynamic environment that can sometimes be ambiguous have fine attention to detail.