Along with our investors, we determine whether to commit the capital required to finance current, large franchise acquisition opportunities, either through equity (stock), debt (loans), or both.
Working with our network of private investors, Franchise Sellers has developed a Franchise Investment Group (basically a private equity group) that reviews acquisition data of existing, profitable multi-unit, and Master Franchise businesses.
If available, Franchise Sellers will further leverage that investment capital by utilizing seller financing, conventional bank financing, or other sources of senior/mezzanine debt to complete transactions. The financing criteria for each acquisition is different. As an Investor, you will have the chance to see the deal structure for each acquisition. Then you can determine if you want to invest, how you want to invest, and how much to invest.
Once the franchise business or businesses are acquired, Franchise Sellers manages the portfolio companies on behalf of its Franchise Investment Group of passive and semi-passive investors. Ready to learn more? Contact us today.